Jagannath Gupta Institute
Of Pharmacy

JIMSH cosists of  a Central Library and 17 Departmental Libraries, which collectively support the teaching, research and extension programmes of the college. The Central Library is well equipped with modern facilities and resources in the form of books, journals, back volume of journals, theses, WHO publications, CD ROMs and internet services.


The Library is open to bona fide members. Admission to the library is allowed on producing Identity Card/Consultation Card. Readers are required to sign the gate register kept at the counter. Bags, briefcases and personal books are not allowed inside the library; these must be kept at the property counter at readers' own risk. While leaving the library, members may be asked to show their file covers, books and other belongings to the staff on duty.

The Library is open:


      The Central Library has the following additional facilities:


The Central Library has a well-equipped reference section where books are provided for the purpose of reading only and are not lent.

Current Awareness Services

The current awareness service at the Central Library provides knowledge to the user regarding recent developments in the field of general interest. Current awareness services alert scholars, researchers, and health care practitioners about recently published literature in their fields of specialization.

Following practices are implemented by the Central Library to create awareness among the users with regard to new resources available:



The journal publications required by the users which are not available in library's collection are arranged through Koha OPAC


To enable the library users to access the subscribed e-resources and other internet resources, computer and internet room has been built on the first floor of the library. The library provides internet browsing facilities for faculty members and students. The library is equipped with 40 computers. This facility enables the users to prepare academic materials and access electronic resources and,  is available for use from 9.00 am to 12.00 a.m

Copyright © 2016, A unit of Urmila Devi Jagannath Gupta Charitable Trust. All rights reserved.